Make nothing but excellent meals for your friends and be crowned a Master Chef in the Sims 4 with the Master Chef aspiration. This is a base game aspiration that utilises both the homestyle and gourmet cooking skills. It’s fun for players who like hosting dinner parties or living out their top chef dreams in the Sims 4. This post includes tips for completing every milestone task, information on the bonus and rewards traits, and how to cheat the aspiration’s completion!

Master Chef Quick Overview

MilestonesRequired Milestone Tasks
#1 Aluminium Chef Cook 2 Meals while Inspired 
Cook 5 Excellent Meals 
#2 Captain Cook Achieve Level 5 Cooking Skill 
Cook a Gourmet Meal 
Earn Silver at a Dinner Party Event 
#3 Culinary Artist Become an Adult
Reach Level 4 of the Culinary Career 
Create 3 Types of Excellent Food 
#4 Master Chef Reach Level 8 of the Culinary Career 
Achieve Level 5 Gourmet Cooking Skill 
Cook 3 Gourmet Dishes at a Single Event 
Milestones for the Sims 4 Master Chef aspiration

How to Easily Complete The Master Chef Aspiration

All of the traits and tips in this section will help your sim gain the cooking skills faster and get promoted more easily (all necessary for completing the aspiration). 

Traits (To Use) 




Overachiever (High School Years) 

Practice Makes Perfect (login rewards) 

Lot Trait: Chef’s Kitchen

Reward Potions and Traits (To Purchase) 

Inspired potion (300 satisfaction points) 

Morning sim (1000 satisfaction points) 

Night sim (1000 satisfaction points) 

Savant (4000 satisfaction points) 

Stoves and grills master (1500 satisfaction points) (requires Outdoor Retreat) 

Entrepreneurial (2000 satisfaction points) 

Connections (3000 satisfaction points) 

Get more satisfaction points instantly by using this cheat!

Bonus Trait for Food Aspirations 

If you select Master Chef as your sim’s first aspiration, then they will receive a bonus trait. As with all other food related aspirations, the bonus trait is the Essence of Flavor. Sims with this trait will create higher quality food and drinks. This will increase their chance of having positive moodlets after consuming the dishes and their products will sell for more simoleons! If you initially assigned your sim a different aspiration and later changed it to Master Chef during gameplay, your sim will not have the Essence of Flavor trait. Instead they will keep the bonus trait of their original aspiration. You can still play through the Master Chef aspiration and have fun with it! 

If you would like to add the Essence of Flavor trait at any time during gameplay, you can cheat it by following these steps: 

  1. Open the cheat bar by pressing:
    • Command + Shift + C on PC. 
    • Control + Shift + C on Mac. 
    • All four triggers on console (i.e., PS4 or Xbox one). 
  2. Activate cheats by typing in “testingcheats true” and then press enter. 
  3. Type into the bar traits.equip_trait trait_EssenceofFlavor  

Press enter and the trait will appear in the simology panel.

Aspiration Milestones 

Milestone 1: Aluminium Chef 

Become inspired by taking a thoughtful shower, being near inspiring decor, purchasing the inspired potion from the rewards store or participating in creative activities such as painting. Having the creative trait is also useful in becoming inspired regularly. 

Hover over completed dishes to see what quality they are. Your sim’s will have a higher chance of cooking excellent quality meals when inspired, using higher quality appliances or with higher cooking skill level. 

Milestone 2: Captain Cook 

Gain the cooking skill by cooking meals or reading cooking skill books. Your sim will earn the skill faster when inspired. You can also cheat to reach level 5 by replacing X with 5 in this cheat code: stats.set_skill_level major_homestylecooking X. For full instructions on this cheat check out this post. 

Only after your Sim reaches level 5 of the Cooking skill will an option to cook gourmet meals appear. Click on a fridge, stove or oven and select “Cook a Gourmet Meal…” to start gaining the Gourmet Cooking skill. 

Use your Sim’s calendar (bottom left side of the screen in live mode) to plan a dinner party event. During the event there will be activities to complete displayed in the top left hand corner of your screen. Complete as many activities as possible before the event is over so that the progress bar moves into the silver zone. On top of completing this task, you’ll get a prize for earning silver and an even better one if you earn gold! 

Milestone 3: Culinary Artist 

Ageing up into a Young Adult will fulfil this milestone task. You can cheat your sim’s age by using the cas.fulleditmode cheat

Complete all of the promotion tasks and send your sim to work in an inspired mood to maximise their work performance. After getting promoted three times they will reach level 4. If you want to reach this level instantly, then use the Sims 4 career cheat.

Cook three different dishes, either homestyle or gourmet, to an excellent quality level. Hover over completed dishes to see what quality they are. 

Milestone 4: Master Chef 

Keep getting promoted until your sim reaches level 8 of the culinary career. For this aspiration you can go down either career branch when given the option around level 6. However, for the Master Mixologist aspiration your sim will need to work in the mixology branch of the career so if you intend to finish both aspirations I recommend choosing that one. To cheat this milestone task use the Sims 4 career cheat. You can also use the cheat to demote your sim to a low enough level so that when you promote them they can choose to go down the other branch of the career. 

Keep cooking gourmet meals to raise your Sim’s Gourmet cooking skill. If you want it to increase quicker, then make sure your sim is feeling inspired when they’re cooking. To reach level 5 instantly you can use the gourmet cooking skill cheat!

Use your Sim’s calendar to plan an event. I recommend planning a dinner party, but any event type will work. Then, only after the event has started, have your Sim cook three gourmet dishes. Make sure to complete all three meals before the event ends! 

Hint: If you own the Sims 4 Homechef Hustle stuff pack, then I recommend using prepped ingredients to speed up cooking times. 

Reward Trait for the Master Chef Aspiration 

Once you’ve completed the Master Chef aspiration, your sim will be granted the Fresh Chef reward trait. From then on all of their cooked food will be of the highest quality and never spoil!

Cheat for the Master Chef Aspiration 

Instantly complete the Master Chef aspiration by following these four steps of the Sim 4 Aspiration Cheat

  1. Open the cheat bar by pressing:
    • Command + Shift + C on PC.  
    • CTRL + Shift + C on PC or Mac. 
    • All four triggers on console (i.e., PS4 or Xbox one). 
  2. Activate cheats by typing in “testingcheats true” and then press enter. 
  3. Type into the bar aspirations.complete_current_milestone 
  4. Press enter and the milestone your Sim is on is now complete. 
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until your sim has completed all 3 milestones.

Final Notes  

If you liked playing through this aspiration then you may also like the secret Grilled Cheese aspiration and the Master Mixologist aspiration. Both of those are base game too so free for all! If you own the sims 4 home chef hustle stuff pack (a great pack! Check out my stuff pack rankings here), then I highly recommend the Appliance Wiz aspiration (a go-to aspiration for my gameplay). 

I hope this post was helpful! Happy simming!

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