In the Sims 4, every Sim must have a life goal, which is called an aspiration. There are many different options in the base game, and even more are added with the packs. Aspirations can have up to four milestones that must be completed to finish it. Every time your Sim completes a milestone task, they earn satisfaction points. When they finish an aspiration, they get a reward trait, which can really improve your gameplay.
You can use aspirations as goals for your Sim, ignore them, or cheat to unlock their perks quickly. In order to cheat to instantly complete a milestone or an entire aspiration, just follow the steps below!
The Sim 4 Aspiration Cheat:
- Open the cheat bar by pressing:
- Command + Shift + C on PC.
- CTRL + Shift + C on Mac.
- All four triggers on console (i.e., Playstation or Xbox).
- Activate cheats by typing in “testingcheats true” and then press enter.
- Type into the textbox aspirations.complete_current_milestone
- Press enter and the milestone your Sim is on is now complete.
- Repeat Steps 3-4 until your sim has completed all milestones associated with their aspiration.
What is the cheat for aspiration points in the Sims 4?
Good news, you can cheat satisfaction points too! The satisfaction points cheat is sims.give_satisfaction_points X (where X should be replaced by the number of points). For full information and a step-by-step guide check out the LTS satisfaction point cheat post.
Final Remark
I hope this post was useful. Have a lovely day and happy simming!