Have you ever wanted to delete one of the pre-built lots that’s in your game? Have you ever wanted to start your own build again from the start? Both of these issues can be solved quickly by bulldozing a lot in build mode. Everything on the lot will be deleted instantly and you cannot undo this action. However, it will save you time by not needing to delete every item individually.

In this post, I will lay out how to enter build mode in your game and exactly where to find the “bulldoze lot” function. I will also explain exactly what the bulldoze lot function does and why you may want to use it.

What does “Bulldoze Lot” mean in the Sims 4?

Bulldozing a lot means deleting everything (buildings and outdoor items) on that lot. This applies to both free-standing lots and apartment lots.

Step-by-step: How to Bulldoze a Lot in The Sims 4

Step One: Enter Build Mode

Open your Sims 4 game and press play on the main screen or load a save file.

Build mode can be entered both from manage worlds and live mode. Here’s how:

From manage worlds – Click on the lot you want to bulldoze. Then, click on the hammer and wrench symbol in the bottom right corner of the screen (second button from the left in that horizontal menu).

From live mode – Click on the hammer and wrench symbol in the menu at the top right of your screen (should be the outermost icon on the left hand side).

Now you’re in build mode.

Step Two: Click on the tractor symbol 

Click on the tractor symbol in the utilities bar at the top centre. Two options will appear.

Bulldoze Lot is the top icon of a house. This will delete all of the physical building and furniture on the lot including outdoor plants and decor. 

You may see a pop-up asking you if you are sure that you want to bulldoze the lot. Click the check mark to go through with it.

Bulldoze Terrain is the bottom option. This will delete all of the terrain paint and any terrain modification made on the lot (the lot will be flattened). It will not affect any of the buildings or objects placed on the lot.

Choose the option that you want. If you want a completely plain lot, then click on both (it doesn’t matter which you click on first).

As a result, you will be left with an empty lot!

Why Bulldoze a Lot?

  • It’s a quick and easy way to get a blank slate! You can delete everything all at once and get a fresh start instead of deleting each object and wall section one-by-one. 
  • You don’t want to use the pre-built lot that comes in the game.
  • You’re building something and end up not liking how it looks so you want to start all over again.
  • An empty lot is ready for you to build whatever you want on it. Now you can get creative and build your dream house or a local pub or an underwater restaurant or anything else that lends itself to your gameplay!


Can you undo a bulldoze lot?

No! Once you have clicked on the bulldoze lot button you cannot get your lot back.

I recommend saving the lot to your library or uploading it to the gallery before bulldozing it. This way you can always place it again if you want.

Can you bulldoze an apartment in sims 4 and what will happen?

Yes, you can bulldoze an apartment in the Sims 4. This will remove all objects and all internal walls on the lot. The walls defined by the game around the perimeter of the apartment lot will remain and cannot be changed.


There you have it! Bulldoze lot is a quick and easy tool to use when you want to create your own build. Just enter build mode via the hammer and wrench icon and then click on the tractor in the top menu bar.

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